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Home Forums Hedgehog tales Shock in the night with Hedgehog and Badger (hedgie okay) Reply To: Shock in the night with Hedgehog and Badger (hedgie okay)


Hi All,

It’s so reassuring and comforting to see there are other people out there that care as much for our wildlife as I do. I just wish there was more of us! 

Nic, I have managed to get some sleep since my last message but this is mainly due to the fact that there has been no further screaming which is great. The downside is there has been little or no hedgehog activity in the garden for some time. This is worrying but I am remaining optimistic that they are all ok. I am going to put the camera up this weekend to check what is going on and evaluate the situation. I do still however still sleep with one eye open and my ears listening! 😉

I certainly will get the neighbours on board with Project Hedgehog and see if that helps. TBF the hedgehogs seem to have no issues with access etc. around here but I will continue to monitor the situation. In regards to the badgers not quite sure how many we have but they had built a latrine in the garden which was worrying. I removed this straight away and then did another recce of the garden to look to see how they were accessing it. It was Nicky my wife who found the offending hole in the fence (Was covered by foliage) and this has now been covered. There has been no sign of the badgers since in the garden but I know hedgehogs actively avoid areas frequented by badgers so that may explain their absence.

I think us guys should team up and continue to document what we see and hear in regards to badger activity and their effect on hedgehogs. I will reiterate that I love badgers and have no issue with them. I do however want to help our spikey friends so let’s see if we can ascertain an impact if any on hedgehogs by badgers.

All the best,

