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Home Forums Champions’ chat Checking my Hedgehog House Reply To: Checking my Hedgehog House

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Hi Mia

Water is probably the very most important thing the hedgehogs need. It is best to leave it out all the time. You can use a shallow plant saucer or something similar, the wider the better (hedgehogs are very good at tipping the smaller ones over and spilling the water), but not so deep that they could get stuck in it. Remember to keep it topped up. Water is especially important when they come out of hibernation and in the Summer when it is hot and there is not much other water around.

If you have a garden, you could try to make it more hedgehog friendly there are some tips at:

Both of those cost very little, but if you have a bit more to spare, you could try offering them some cat biscuits or cat/dog food or even some hedgehog food. Don’t be tempted to give them bread and milk as it is bad for them and will upset their digestion. Water is all they need to drink.
