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Home Forums Champions’ chat 38 Degrees Petition etc. Reply To: 38 Degrees Petition etc.



That’s a good question. I looked at the 38 degrees FAQ here and it suggests that the petition is handed in when the organiser decides. So, in the case of the second link you posted (the one with 200 000+ signatures) that would be “John Turner” (but probably not the John Turner who used to be my boss!!). I would hope/expect that any signatory to the petition would be able to contact him via the 38 Degrees web site, so maybe you could ask him for an update. Having never started a petition on 38 Degrees, I have no idea how clear the petition starters “responsibilities” are made. I also imagine that petitions simply languish if the starter feels it hasn’t generated enough signings. So John Turner may (a) have a number in mind that he wants to get to and is waiting for it to reach it (b) simply not realised that he has to deliver the petition to someone (c) already delivered it and is awaiting a response or (d) fallen off a cliff …
