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Hedgehog officially the nation’s favourite

31st July 2013

The hedgehog has thrashed all competition in a BBC poll to find the UK’s natural emblem.

We are delighted that voters in a poll by BBC Wildlife Magazine named the hedgehog as Britain’s “National Species”.  Beating off stiff competition from badgers, oak trees, otters and others, the hedgehog came out on top with a whopping 42% of the votes. Hedgehog Champions from Hedgehog Street played a huge part in this result, with many hundereds of them taking part in the vote.

The British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS), Hedgehog Street partners who sponsored the animal in the poll, are absolutely chuffed. Chief Executive, Fay Vass puts the victory in context:

We are all thrilled that hedgehogs have won this vote and it could not have come at a better time; hedgehog numbers are in fairly sharp decline so they need all the help they can get.  Their place in the nation’s affections is obvious from the result, if each and every one of us converts that affection into a positive action to help hedgehogs, their situation will be much improved.

Has it ever been more pertinent to become a Hedgehog Champion?
