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The Hedgehog Book, by Hugh Warwick

13th November 2020

Ecologist and author Hugh Warwick’s latest book takes an all-round look at the nation’s favourite wild mammal.

Hugh Warwick is an ecologist, writer, BHPS spokesperson and the creator of the Hedgehog Highways petition. As a passionate advocate for the species (and font of hog knowledge!), Hugh’s new book is a must-have for hedgehog fans.

Hedgehogs make the perfect subject for a book, with their rich cultural ties (Mrs Tiggy-Winkle we’re looking at you) and unusual prickly anatomy. The Hedgehog Book covers everything you need to know about this popular species in a clear and entertaining way. The book journeys through evolution and biology to history and culture, with captivating photography and artwork throughout. There’s also plenty of tips on helping our prickly pals.

Chapters on art, literature and advertising as well as myths and legends bring an interesting angle to proceedings. The hedgehog references found in various Shakespeare plays were unknown to me!

Anyone who has read Hugh’s previous books will expect a good amount of useful information laced with his usual good humour and delivered in an easy to ready chatty style from this, his latest book, and they won’t be disappointed.

Fay Vass, CEO of the British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS)

It’s true that you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover, but as a beautifully dinky hardback with such a lovely image on the front, the book makes a perfect Christmas present! Easy to read, informative and entertaining; The Hedgehog Book is perfect for nature nerds and newbies alike.

Purchase your copy online from BHPS, PTES or the publisher Graffeg.

The Hedgehog Book will make the perfect addition to any bookcase or coffee table.

You can watch The Hedgehog Book launch and plenty of hedgehog chat below.
