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UK’s first ‘hedgehog town’ launched

21st August 2013

On Friday 16th August a pilot scheme for the UK’s first ‘hedgehog town’ was launched in Bridport, Dorset. If successful this concept could spread to other towns across the UK.


Susy of Dorset Mammal Group introduces our Hedgehog Officer Henry Johnson at the launch

But what is a hedgehog town?

Its a town that has recognised the importance of cooperation and landscape-scale thinking in hedgehog conservation. A town where residents are making a conserted effort to help their hedgehogs. And a town where hedgehogs are monitored to ensure their fortunes can be gauged. 

How does this relate to Hedgehog Street?

Think of it as a localised injection of energy. Hedgehog Street is a nationwide campaign, but all conservation occurs locally in the end. Through working with organisations such as the Dorset Mammal Group exisiting networks of Hedgehog Champions can be bolstered and enthused, and more intensive action can result.

I want to get involved!

If you want to help PTES and BHPS mobilise people locally through Hedgehog Street, get in touch!
