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Welcome to the Forum. DwarfHog is right. You’ll probably be addicted to all things hedgehog before you know it! If you have the photos elsewhere on the internet, you can put a link straight onto the forum. Otherwise you can put them onto Hedgehog Street via the home page. Click on ‘Gallery’ and then ‘Upload Images’. It does, apparently, sometimes take a few days to actually appear. If you want to get an image that isn’t on the internet on here quickly, you can change your profile pic temporarily.

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Re. the hog house. Sometimes the hogs move in quite quickly, but other times they don’t move in until the hog house has been there for a while. But if you put some suitable nesting material quite close to it – so dried leaves, grasses, mosses, hay, straw, etc. it might encourage them. You could put a small amount in to start if off, but most of them do like to build the actual nest themselves – and are very good at it! Be aware, though, that they do sometimes make more than one nest, so may make a nest in the house and not actually hibernate it in.

Good luck and happy hog watching!
