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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Relieved to see Both Hetty and Big Bruiser doing well! Reply To: Relieved to see Both Hetty and Big Bruiser doing well!


Hey Annker
Pleased to hear Pippa and Benny are keeping you occupied. It’s strange how the hogs disappear for days at a time. Big Bruiser was still around when I returned from my holiday. I saw him on the cam footage, he looked great! Very big and healthy. But the last two nights he has not visited.
Three nights ago Big Bruiser and Hetty seemed to have a bit of a confrontation with each other. I didn’t see the outcome because the cam stopped filming 😡 typical ! just at a possibly critical moment !
Anyway, since then Bruiser has not been and Hetty has stopped going to the feeding stations on the lawn.
I’m not particularly worried about Hetty, because she continues to eat at a feeding station situated near to her nest under the shed. But now I have the dilemma of do I continue to put food out for Bruiser or do I reduce to stop wastage? I’ve put it out tonight, ever hopeful of his return.
I have to keep reminding myself it is a cruel world out there, but they are wild animals !
But it doesn’t stop me worrying if they are ok!
Happy hog watching! X
