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Hi darwood

Welcome to the Forum! How lovely that your daughter gave you a hog house. Hope you get a tenant soon, if you haven’t already. Sometimes a hog will move in almost immediately but other times, they don’t use them until they become ‘part of the landscape’.

It’s a really good idea to feed the hogs somwhere so that you can watch them from the house. I usually leave the outside light on and the light off in the room I’m watching from. That way they you don’t disturb them at all and can see their natural behaviour without any interference. They really can be very entertaining – who needs TV with hogs around!

You are lucky having a little one, which I’m assuming is a hoglet? They can be quite bossy and I have always found that the adults are very tolerant of them – until they reach a certain size and then the gloves are off!

Good luck with the feeding station and happy hog watching!
