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Home Forums Champions’ chat Care to answer a survey about caring for wild hedgehogs for my coursework? Reply To: Care to answer a survey about caring for wild hedgehogs for my coursework?


Hi, I’m sure someone knowledgeable on this site will give you their advice, but, if you are designing hedgehog houses, they generally need a revamp. I bought a lovely one with DIY put together. It had a tunnel, essential, but they also need to have corridors inside, with turns, to deter cats getting in to the main chamber. Perhaps the tunnel actually needs a turn in it as well. A removable lid, but screwed on. Above all, it needs to be at a reasonable cost. A lot of people are elderly or children and not in work so can’t afford high prices, which I’m sure very good ones cost. The food we buy costs quite a bit as has been on the forum many times, so cost is everything. Good luck with your project and best wishes.
