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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Big Bruiser is BACK and hungry! Reply To: Big Bruiser is BACK and hungry!


Hi Hettihog, yes, it’s getting cold and frosty feeling here, day and night! Same story, only little one eating food. It seems strange to me as the hogs didn’t hibernate here till December last year and even then Dinky Minky was still running up and down three times a night till mid December. Perhaps its colder this year than last and I’m not really taking that into consideration. There’s plenty of dead leaves under the laurel hedge to collect but tree leaves are still hanging on here. The Hawthorn has just started to shed its leaves. I think all the rain has kept the trees going longer. Not even noticed the lovely colour changes of autumnal leaves this year. I’m well stocked up with plenty of food for spring now as they’ve stopped eating, just hope the little one is going to make it. Will keep plenty of food out incase she doesn’t hibernate. Also stocked up on bird food for winter. Saw two small baby goldfinches feeding with their parent two days ago, thought they were late babies as well. Spent Sunday afternoon cleaning bird feeders in hot soapy water, felt something warm moving on my gloved finger, a tiny baby snail! Took it back to its colony! We sometimes take one for a drive! One will pop out from inside the external mirrors. They usually manage to cling on till we get back home! I often wonder, if they could talk, what would they say to the other snails. “Don’t go on that car thing, I’ve been taken on a world tour by those mad humans at spreads you wouldn’t believe and no respectable snail should go at” 🐌 Best wishes
