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Home Forums Champions’ chat Is a house mounted on hardstanding OK? Reply To: Is a house mounted on hardstanding OK?

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Hi berniel

Good idea putting a catch on the roof. One of mine is hinged one side and has a wing screw on the other. The other (mainly a feed box) just gets weighed down with bricks – same problem – cats!

I do have ventilation holes in my boxes, but 4 or 5 small ones, rather than one larger. I’m assuming there is a bit of an overlap on the roof, so if you put them near the top, they should be protected from the rain. But hopefully you can put the box where it’s a bit protected from the wind. I’m not sure how essential they are – the nest built here, filled the whole box, so they were probably covered, but I would still have them.

Hogs do sometimes pop out during hibernation, but they, apparently, sometimes even make new nests to move into, so it’s a good idea to leave plenty of nest building material around during the winter as well.

Good luck with the cameras. It is interesting to see what the hogs get up to when we aren’t around.
