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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Hedgehogs gone missing Reply To: Hedgehogs gone missing

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I feel I should make a correction. You probably won’t be able to find out what the recommended weight is in your area by ringing the BHPS. But they will be able to let you know contact details of your nearest carer. The minimum weight to survive hibernation is 450g. But the hogs will need to be that weight earlier in the year in colder parts of the country than in in warmer ones, which is where your local carer may be able to help with some guidance about the appropriate timing.

But if there is a small hog around, I would contact your local carer, as suggested to take their advice and check that they have room to take another little one if necessary. Then weigh the little hog. If it is heavy enough it can be immediately released and carry on where it left off, but if it’s very tiny, may not survive without help.

Good luck.
