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Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog Rescued hoglet – 240g Reply To: Rescued hoglet – 240g


Aye, people need to:be careful,

“I agree about the wildlife hospitals- especially about some I have read about”

It’s difficult, as with all charities, some get a ‘bad press’ because the latest ‘celebrity’ who ‘endorsed them’ has become engulfed in some meaningless ”Twitter storm”

Just look at the objectives of the ’charity’ are they local, have a designated, non political objective, are they ‘wildlife/children/ look after the poor. directed?

If they have a well paid ‘board of directors’ a 50k a year funding manager”…then they are not the sort of of charity that most, who care about hedgehogs/or the poor/ or children.. would seek to support.
