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Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog Any advice is very welcome Reply To: Any advice is very welcome


Hello Simbo65,
Many thanks for your reply. I have them in a large box with hay and water, appropriate food in a quiet room in my home. I was very disappointed by the vets unwillingingness to assist, even advice what I should do next, I reckon this vet is the exception to the duty of care rule regarding any animal. Maybe I got him on a bad day!!! I finally heard from a rehabilator located in Northern Ireland Debbie Doolittle’s wild life as I have been trying for weeks with no luck until this morning. She has called and has took all 3 hogs as she did say the smaller of the three were too light and what I hoped she didn’t want to split them up at this stage so off to a safe and warm sanctuary they have gone, I am very surprised that there appears to be only this lady doing this vital work for all of Northern Ireland as I have not been able to find anyone other than Debbie so God bless her and all the wonderful people who dedicate their time to assisting all wildlife. The outcome for these 3 little hoggies couldn’t have been a better one. Thank you again for your advice. Best wishes. Patricia. 🐌
