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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Big surprise this morning. Reply To: Big surprise this morning.


I will keep and eye on how things progress. If it looks like the marked hoglet is getting bullied etc then I will try and capture it and take it to Brent Lodge in the hope that they can clean it up. Otherwise I don’t know if the marks will just fade in time anyway ?
The reason I thought it was a ‘stranger’ is that if it was one of the family in this house (as in video) I cannot see how the opportunity came about to mark the hoglet. While it may have wandered off to some distant garden this would have been at night and the chances of anyone coming across it would be quite slim, whereas if it was sleeping in said garden it would be much easily discovered. Although, I guess if someone else was putting out food and monitoring that area they could have found it.
However, I am pretty new to all this so really have no idea.
