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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings What to feed hoglets in November Reply To: What to feed hoglets in November


Hi: I also live in N Cornwall but a coastal village. Last year the food I put out for the visiting hedgehogs (I saw 2 of them) was eaten until around Xmas day.
They seemed to disappear then (hibernating?) but I kept putting a dish of hedgehog dry biscuits out every evening under cover for a few months though it remained uneaten. Towards the end of Feb/early March crumbs were being left in the dishes and I took this as a sign they’d come out for a snack or were up and about again.
I’ve noticed cats aren’t keen on dry hedgie biscuits.
Regarding the rat boxes if they are put on high walls or shed roofs it’s possible the rats can get to them but hedgehogs can’t.
Hope this helps.
