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Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog Autumn juvenile – intervene or not? Reply To: Autumn juvenile – intervene or not?

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Well done, Kitty878. Hopefully they will all do well. Don’t be too disappointed if they don’t all make it. With those tiny ones, they wouldn’t survive without help, but they don’t all survive even with help. But you have done your best for them. Fingers crossed for them.

I still have one here not hibernating, although big enough. One who doesn’t like going into feed boxes, so I have to scatter the food on the grass for her. A cat ate some one night but it obviously didn’t have the patience to pick out the kitten biscuits from amongst the grass! The hog is quite happy foraging for them. I put a trail to the feed box, but although she gets to the entrance she still hasn’t been in.

Good luck to all the hogs and hoglets.
