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Home Forums Champions’ chat Abnormal Poo Reply To: Abnormal Poo

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Hi Kassie

A couple of months ago underweight hoglets may have still had half a chance of putting on enough weight and surviving. But if there are still underweight hogs around now they have little chance of surviving. There is not sufficient wild food around for them and food sources left out for them are not reliable. Apart from anything else, you may not be the only person who reduced the food they put out – as you mentioned above. That will only have made it harder for them to survive. But there is also the potential competition from cats and other wildlife who may be eating some of it.

If your hog visitors are a good weight and have chosen not to hibernate that is a different matter. But just because an underweight hoglet is attending a feeding station does not mean that it is not struggling to survive and would benefit from more help. So, if I were you, I would keep a careful eye out for any very small ones, and if there are any, discuss the situation with your local wildlife centre.

Good luck to all hedgehogs everywhere.
