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Home Forums Champions’ chat Rat probelm Reply To: Rat probelm

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Hi Bellasmom

There isn’t really any dried bug type food you can use. Offering anything other than good quality meaty hog food or cat/dog food or cat/kitten biscuits is problematical because we don’t know the implications by way of potential health problems they may cause to hogs. Some rats don’t like wet cat/dog food or cat/kitten biscuits.

Is it possible for you to put the food out after the time you know the rat visits. Alternatively maybe you could sit outside (very quietly) until the hog has eaten. Rats are often more sensitive to movement/light than hogs are. So if you had a torch with you and put it on (not aimed towards the hog) the rat might be more likely to see it and leave. That sort of thing, but even a slight tap might frighten a rat and not a hog – it’s a bit of trial and error to find out what a rat will notice and a hog not.

I’m not sure whether you have read the links in my post above. There may be some other suggestions in those.

Good luck.
