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Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog Injured Hedgehog Reply To: Injured Hedgehog



I found an injured hedgehog on my night camera Tuesday, and luckily he went into my hedgehog house. I called 5 local rescues but all were full and couldn’t ake him in, so I took him to the vet. They were great and after x-raying him told me he had a broken leg but they could amputate (if I paid!). Which I did! I now have an injured hedgehog in my kitchen, waiting for a space to come available in a local rescue. Any advice on how to care for him would be great – best bedding to use, do I need to clean him out daily? I have brought the hedgehog house in that he went to when he was injured so it is dark and familiar for him, but it still has straw in – is this OK for him? I’ve put out food and water (and prescribed meds) and am really just hoping for the best! We’ve put him in the quiestest spot I can find, and tomorrow a friend is going to lend me a dog crate. I’m in no way qualified for this role, and will gladly hand him over as soon as a rescue can take him in – please do not think that I am doing this rather than handing him over.
