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Hi Mike Dhu

Glad you found the information useful.

If you are scattering wild flower seed, it’s best to do it where the grass is really short and even scarified. Although you may have better luck in an area where there is bare earth. I have a small meadow type area of wildflowers and grass where there had previously been mown grass and it was really difficult to get the wildflowers going just from seed – I resorted to planting some small wild flower plants in pots (and digging up some of the coarser grass) in the end to help it get going – but wished I had started from bare earth. But also some wild flower seed needs to be frosted to help it germinate, so later in the year would probably be better, in general – maybe when the wild flowers are shedding their seed or Autumn or Winter.

Good luck. I hope all goes well and you start to get compliments instead of complaints!
