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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Missing hedgehogs Reply To: Missing hedgehogs


After several years of feeding/housing and monitoring hedgehog’s in our garden I was devastated when about 4 months ago they disappeared. I put this down to a sighting on the cameras of a badger which was totally unexpected as we had never seen them before. Nevertheless, the hogs stopped visiting and so I stopped putting any food out, but left the feed stations and houses in place. A couple of days ago we noticed some poo on the lawn that looked like hedgehogs. I then put a camera at one of the highway holes and a few calci worms nearby. Sure enough next day there was a sighting of a hedgehog eating their favourite treats.
I then put the nibbles out and water etc to the feeding stations and put cameras focused on them. Happy to say that a hog visited all the old areas of the garden, just like the old days. Not sure at the moment whether its one or more, but a huge relief to see them back.
