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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings 23 February 2023 Hedgehog visitors are back. Reply To: 23 February 2023 Hedgehog visitors are back.

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Hi Roccoryan2008

It’s a bit of a how long is a piece of string question! Hedgehogs pretty much have minds of their own and will do what they want. Having said that the upgrade could potentially put some hedgehogs off until they get used to the new arrangements. Also access only from the street doesn’t sound the most inviting (although, of course, I have no idea what the street is like, how busy, etc.). You don’t mention whether you have a night camera, so not sure whether no hedgehogs have been around at all or just that none have eaten the food.

re. visiting seasonally – it is only really in relation to the hibernation season.

Sudden absence of hedgehogs could be down to i.e. badgers, blocked routes to your garden further back, someone else has started feeding, etc.

Assuming that there aren’t badgers around, I would keep leaving out food and water and hope that a hedgehog turns up. There seem quite a few out of hiberntion now.

Good luck!
