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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings 23 February 2023 Hedgehog visitors are back. Reply To: 23 February 2023 Hedgehog visitors are back.


Hi nic, in reply to your response, I do have a camera (which caught only one hedgehog for one month last year)
But other than then I’ve had absolutely zero hedgehog visits. And street wise, I live on a quiet u shaped street and there are no dangerous roads that hedgehogs will need to cross, we have an abundance of front gardens and parked cars which I’m assuming could provide some shelter on the journey to my garden, I do know of a badger sett in the park. But we do have an abundance of hedgehogs in the area. And lastly the only access points they have to garfens is front gardens, through alleyways, and gaps under gates because my area doesn’t actually have any holes/ direct garden to garden access, as always thanks for your help nic it’s appreciated!
