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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Just interrupted my Hog feeding. Reply To: Just interrupted my Hog feeding.


Tonight’s observation has confirmed a long held suspicion of mine.

I am feeding two hedgehogs, not one.

Left the food and water out as usual.

Suspect ‘A’ appears from undergrowth in shaded area of garden and starts munching away as per normal.

15 minutes elapse.

Enter stage right Suspect ‘B’ from next door. Spots me watching the feeding station, stops dead in it’s tracks, and then hurries across to my bothy.

Exit stage left.

5 minutes elapse. Suspect ‘B’ re-emerges from bothy and tentatively joins Suspect ‘A’ at feeding station where much huffing ensues from Suspect ‘B’.

Suspect ‘A’ seems to be showing interest in my Hedgehog house. Suspect ‘B’ appears quite content with my bothy.

It was getting cold so I left them to it , and went indoors.

Twitcher update; House Sparrows now joined by Song thrush, Robin and Blackbird. Mealworms disappearing down Blackbird and Robins gullets quicker than hot cakes. May have to ration them as they’re expensive.


