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Just interrupted my Hog feeding.

Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Just interrupted my Hog feeding.

  • This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 months ago by Avatar photoNic.
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  • #45082

    Dateline 04th April 2024 : 21:30

    I’ve just opened my front door to refill my Hogs yorkshire pudding 4-compartment feed tray with Brambles Meaty tinned Hedgehog food and before I could turn the porch light on he scuttled away behind the wheelie bin!

    Huh, if I’m feeding you sonny, the least you can do is hang around for a photo….

    For the record he’s well fed, around 8″ long. However he may not come out of my nice warm dry bothy now until the rain stops.


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    Hi Jeremy

    Haha! Sounds fairly typical – hogs are not best known for their gratitude! But sounds as if he’s on to a good thing there, so I expect he’ll be back despite all the rain. Lovely to hear about him – let us know how he gets on.

    Good luck and happy hogwatching!


    I have ordered one of these from ebay seller thomasbmb7j27, but it won’t be delivered for a week or two:-

    Hedgehog Feeder/House Nest Box dual purpose House

    He/she doesn’t seem very impressed by the tinned stuff and much prefers the Crunchy food instead. Comes out around half-past nine, has breakfast, then spends the night looking for a mate, and returns around four forty-five for dinner just as the birds start waking up.

    I really hope he’ll move into the hedgehog house and out of the bothy, as the bothy has my electricity meter in it and I can’t take a reading while he’s in residence.



    Nothing to do with hedgehogs, but the House Sparrows are going absolutely crazy for my variegated weigela and berberis thunbergii right now. Must be all the grubs and spider larvae that are hatching out. There were 4 or 5 Sparrows all chattering to each other today.

    Only a Robin and Great Tit seem interested in my bird feeders.

    I have once seen a Sparrowhawk perched on my garden wall – I think it had it’s eye on the local Pigeon population, but it’s not around any more. And there is usually a Peregrine Falcon nesting nearby but haven’t heard a squawk from it at all for a year, so maybe it’s perished.

    Too early for the Swifts to turn up – still in N. Africa if they’ve got any sense.


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    Hi Jeremy

    Good luck with the hedgehog house. Some hogs take a while to accept them but others take to them fairly quickly. If you want it to be used for nesting, it’s better not to put food in – a handful of bedding in the house sometimes give them the idea for nesting.

    How lovely to have all those birds. I sometimes get sparrowhawks here, too, but they are usually after the sparrows. They’re quite clever – they have quite long intervals between visits which lulls the sparrows into a false sense of security.

    Yes, all this rain not too good for swifts, etc. Hopefully it will calm down a bit for them to return.


    Tonight’s observation has confirmed a long held suspicion of mine.

    I am feeding two hedgehogs, not one.

    Left the food and water out as usual.

    Suspect ‘A’ appears from undergrowth in shaded area of garden and starts munching away as per normal.

    15 minutes elapse.

    Enter stage right Suspect ‘B’ from next door. Spots me watching the feeding station, stops dead in it’s tracks, and then hurries across to my bothy.

    Exit stage left.

    5 minutes elapse. Suspect ‘B’ re-emerges from bothy and tentatively joins Suspect ‘A’ at feeding station where much huffing ensues from Suspect ‘B’.

    Suspect ‘A’ seems to be showing interest in my Hedgehog house. Suspect ‘B’ appears quite content with my bothy.

    It was getting cold so I left them to it , and went indoors.

    Twitcher update; House Sparrows now joined by Song thrush, Robin and Blackbird. Mealworms disappearing down Blackbird and Robins gullets quicker than hot cakes. May have to ration them as they’re expensive.



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    Hi Jeremy

    Great news that it’s two hedgehogs! Maybe they’ll turn out to be a male and a female – that would be good. Females often huff when there are males around – especially if the male starts circling the female.

    Sounds like the birds are well catered for too.

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