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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Help needed to solve a mystery. Reply To: Help needed to solve a mystery.


There have been all sorts of mysterious goings on in our garden and dishes being moved great distances, but they have never yet completely disappeared. We had one of the square pottery hedgehog dishes that was moved some 12 feet across the patio, up a steep step and up a grassy bank where it was found upside down with its contents still underneath! A camera was trained on the dish, but recorded nothing. Every time something strange has occurred a camera has failed at a critical moment. In fact only last night, a hedgehog managed to move a feeding bowl several inches and throw the saucer that was covering it down a step, but yet again the camera recorded nothing. It did however, manage to record two cats and several birds including robins finishing off the leftovers. The only logical explanation is that the hedgehogs have some kind of camera jamming device. 🙂
