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Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog Cat eating food Reply To: Cat eating food

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That’s exactly what I thought re. the Big Garden Bird Watch. ‘ Where were all the birds that day’. They were all here in large numbers during the cold spell but it has quietened down a bit since the snow has thawed.

I have been lucky (or unlucky, depending how you look at it) to have hog all winter (fun and games trying to make sure there was food for him before one of the 5 visiting cats and a rat ate it). Thank goodness he is now back to his usual self. He was very subdued when he returned after 2 days absence because of the snow.

I agree, the petitions are disappointing – if things continue as they are, neither will succeed. I keep a close eye on them and have noticed that when BHPS put a cute photo of a hog with some good wording on Twitter, numbers for theirs go up, but when it slips down the page they go right down again. I’m not on Twitter, just look at it via the home page of Hh street. Not sure how we get everyone motivated. But something needs to happen. Like you, I am hoping post-hibernation numbers might pick up. 40 something thousand registered on Hedgehog Street.
