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Home Forums Champions’ chat Hedgehog awareness week Reply To: Hedgehog awareness week


Dear Suzynic
we are planning for the first time to have an open morning to help raise awareness of hogs in our village. We think that as the village becomes more house dense (gardens built in etc) we run the risk of hog decline. I already think we have a split population as there is a road down the middle of the village and am not sure how well the population is doing on the other side.
anyway we are going to use our garden as a model – so will put up some posters around the village advertising for May 12th, we have 2 hobgitats, a woodpile then have leaflets, will try to run the talk on a laptop and just see who turns up – will try and make some hog biscuits! Will let you all know how it goes!. May be the trick is to try and lure people in with an offer of food – I don’t know but am happy to give it a go this year.
all best
