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Home Forums Champions’ chat New hedgehog in already occupied box Reply To: New hedgehog in already occupied box


Hi Suzynic,
They are opportunists aren’t they!
We do quite a bit of soft releasing of rehabilitated hogs and have had varying success at getting them settled in a hog house on release over the years. I think its true to say that they are fussy and much prefer to choose and make their own homes and nests however you approach it – but they do still move around between nests despite this.
However – my advise would be to check if the box is continuing to be in use – as it may have been rejected by the opportunist hog after a day or twos use, If it is occupied, then check out your second box. If that is not occupied, then prepare it for your resident hogs homecoming with some fresh bedding, (we use torn paper / guinea pig paper based absorbent bedding and hay mixed) but then top it up by using the bedding he has been in whilst at the rescue centre or comes home in. They are big on smells and they are reassured by familiar smells, especially their own.
Hope it works out.
