Hi Nic
To my horror there was a rat out the garden a couple of weeks ago one afternoon racing into the border then back into the corner of the garden by the shed. It was where I’d put food in the border for the daytime hog but I’ve not seen rats eating kitten biscuits before so hopefully after something else which has now gone. Haven’t seen it since happily, I emptied the shed to make sure it wasn’t nesting in there & checked the small gap underneath & no sign at all.
The hog activity is busy in the feeder each night & looks as if there must be fistycuffs regularly by the mess they leave behind, just as well there’s an entrance tunnel each end of the feeder for escape purposes! Water & food dishes all over the place, poo everywhere & pee sometimes too. Just crumbs left in the food dish so someone is happy.
I often see one very early evening in the feeder long before darkness falls, we’ve met a few times when I haven’t topped up the food in time of an evening & it’s already in there. Doesn’t bat an eyelid just a glance up at me than carries on eating.
I’m glad you have bats, I’ve started leaving the curtains & window open in the evening as darkness arrives with a small light on in the room to attract insects outside & get a very good display of bat flying against the sky before the light goes completely. There’s honeysuckle in the garden which attracts night flying moths etc & a lot of trees around which also helps with insects flying, plus I’ve noticed a general increase in insects in the air so plenty of food available for our batty friends on warm evenings on the rare occasion we get them.