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Badger attack on hedgehog at feeding station

Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Badger attack on hedgehog at feeding station

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    I was surprised to find my hedgehog feeding station box in a different place this morning and on my trail camera discovered why. Firstly I saw one hedgehog go into the box and I think a further one came down at the same time, not sure but came straight out again .but then it captured a badger attacking the hedgehog which rolled into a ball right in front of the camera . The badger kept attacking .I don’t know what ended up happening to it though as the action went out of camera view. It then got triggered again with the badger attacking the feeding box trying to lift it. It managed to drag it a little but the brick seemed to stop it from overturning it and it couldn’t get in , not sure whether the other hedgehog was in there! I cant see any signs of injured or remains of hedgehog as yet.
    Although it is nature it was a bit traumatic to watch and I’m not sure what to do now as the badger obviously knows where they come . Also the hedgehogs might not come . Any suggestions? I could maybe move the box to the other side of the metal gate which hedgehogs pass through., not sure if badger can depends how thin they can make themselves.



    We had a similar issue recently when a badger unexpectedly came into the garden for the first time. Having researched the behaviour I concluded that the badger took the opportunity while the hog was eating from a food dish, but they generally don’t go looking for hogs. The badger has continued to visit nearly every night, and although the hogs initially stayed away for a couple of nights they soon came back. I didn’t put any food out for a few nights after it happened but have now started to spread a small amount of food over the lawn and avoid using food dishes, so when they’re in the garden at the same time there’s no static meeting place. The badger is coming through the hedgehog hole in the gate so I can’t stop him. They’ve both been in the garden at the same time since without further incident.

    It is nature and not nice to see, but they all seem determined to come in so my thought process was just to give them all space to move around and stop them feeding in one place.

    Hopefully you find a solution. It might help if you could move the box, but badgers are strong and determined so will still try to get to it if they know the food is there. I don’t know how small a gap they can squeeze through but to get to ours from their sett they are getting through an iron railing with about 4 inch gaps.



    Badgers are the only natural predator for hedgehogs and it’s normal for hogs to leave an area frequented by badgers.
    While most badgers will leave hogs alone if there is enough food around, it’s not guaranteed and young badgers especially may just play with them for sport.
    Personally I would not continue to feed in an area which has badgers as you are setting up to fail, unfairly in my opinion.
    The badger unrolls a hog and eats it’s stomach and what it can reach – you can only imagine the suffering


    Oh Stef! I live on the edge of a small town in a rural area; luckily no badgers in my garden. I knew badgers were a natural hedgehog predator (and nature is cruel) but you have shocked me senseless 🙁
    I had four/five healthy hogs coming through my wildlife friendly garden nightly but nothing for the last six weeks or so. No sight, sound, feed, poo.
    I’m on the edge of farmland, I know hedgehogs roam but really hope they haven’t fallen prey to such a cruel death.


    Oh Stef! I live on the edge of a small town in a rural area; luckily no badgers in my garden. I knew badgers were a natural hedgehog predator (and nature is cruel) but you have shocked me senseless 🙁
    I had four/five healthy hogs coming through my wildlife friendly garden nightly but nothing for the last six weeks or so. No sight, sound, feed, poo.
    I’m on the edge of farmland, I know hedgehogs roam but really hope they haven’t fallen prey to such a cruel death.


    Hi Celeste
    Sorry to shock you, but it’s really silly for people to assume that a badger won’t attack a hog just because it hasn’t – yet
    Often hogs will move away if they come into a badgers territory, although as badgers increase that is harder. But they could also have left an area as they found somewhere better, and it’s also breeding season.
    Hopefully your hogs will come back – I’m assuming you put out food for them


    Hi Stef
    Yes I put food and water out. Good access to the natural garden, but still no signs. There was a good flow of hedgehogs coming through but suddenly stopped.
    There is farmland round, so I hope the hogs have moved to safer climes.
    Thank you for your advice, I hope in the fullness of time they might return.

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