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Home Forums Hedgehog tales feeding

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  • #32912

    I am lucky t have 3 hedgehogs visit my feeing stations. Last year one would eat half a tin of cat food and a little dry catfood, over the past few week the hedgehogs have ignored the wet food and had a little dry , although there are about 5-6 visits a night – any reason why they gone off wet food – i use different varieties

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    Hi Stedwomas

    Well apart from hogs liking to keep us guessing! They can be quite particular about the food they’ll eat, i.e. if they get used to one type don’t always like it being changed to another type. But it might also be influenced by what people nearby are feeding.

    Good luck and happy hog watching!


    I’ve also noticed different hogs have different tastes, or even the same hogs on different nights. Sometimes they are all over the food and sometimes they ignore it. I switch between different types as well- my cats are fussy so I often have cat food that my cats have gone off of or indeed never liked in the first place. So at least the cats don’t eat what I’ve put out for the hogs. The slugs definitely do eat it but then the hogs eat the slugs, so it all works out.

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