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Hedgehog heaven

Home Forums Champions’ chat Hedgehog heaven

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Avatar photoNic.
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  • #17597

    Hiya I have just started a blog called hedgehog heaven. If you could have a look at it that would be amazing. It is all about hedgehogs in particular my hedgehog Russell. It has many cute pictures of him going out on his nightly rounds and coming home with a full belly! Also tension rises as we wait to see if Russel is pregnant!!
    just type in hedgehog heaven blog in the search bar and it should come straight up !!
    Thank you:)


    Saw our hedgehog again last night on our trap camera and he is looking fairly big!! He seems to have a very regular routine going out at ten and coming back at 3 a.m.

    Avatar photo

    Hi nkg1

    I couldn’t actually find your Blog, but good luck with it. Did you know that you can put photos on Hedgehog Street, too – via the Gallery on the Home page?

    Glad to hear that Russel is doing well. Look forward to hearing if any hoglets materialise!

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