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hedgehog highway query

Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog hedgehog highway query

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Avatar photoNic.
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  • #38700

    I am hoping you can help me, we are planning to build an extension to the side of our house and the space is currently used by a group of hedgehogs to get from the back garden and allotment behind our house onto the street pavement and into other people’s gardens. The road is not a main road and

    We would like to keep some kind of route open to them and was wondering if we can install some pipework that runs underneath the extension in the ground. The length of the pipework run would be 6m so I’m not sure if this is too long or not? Alternatively we may decide to make the extension stop short of the fence and leave a 13cm gap so they can get down the side.

    Any advice would be greatly welcomed.

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    Hi chrispee

    6m does sound quite long, although I’ve never heard of anyone trying. It’s great that you are doing your best to make provision for the hogs. I imagine the 13cm gap would be better, if possible, but also make as many hog holes as you can, so the hogs can find a way through the neighbouring area as well – especially as during building works they may not be able to get through even if you did leave a gap.

    Also, make sure any holes for foundations, etc. have some sort of a way out at night in case a hog falls in by mistake. But also check the holes fairly frequently. I recall, years ago hearing about a family of hogs who were found in a fence post hole which had been left for a couple of days, who ended up with hypothermia.

    Good luck with the extension. Let us know how you and the hogs get on.

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