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Hedgehog in garage

Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Hedgehog in garage

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Avatar photoNic.
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  • #32533

    Hi, we have an adult hedgehog who seems to be settling into an old compost bag. I’ve put cat food and water down (it is extremely hot today), and we think it (she?) may be looking to nest. I’m worried about being in the bag, but it is cut and open so plenty of air and room for movement. I have put our hedgehog house next to it, but she seems to prefer the bag. Any advice please?

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    Hi Nattom

    If the hog has made an actual nest in the sack there probably isn’t much you can do until it’s vacated, other than as you have done by providing an alternative. The hog may just have been sleeping there for the days and may move on. Once the hog has vacated (by which I mean completely vacated not just out for night time wanderings) I would remove the sack and, if the hogs have regular access, any other things which might become a problem.

    Well done for providing water. That’s very important for hogs – all day, every day.

    Good luck and happy hog watching!

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