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Hedgehog out in the day

Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog Hedgehog out in the day

  • This topic has 5 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by am66.
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  • #43499

    I have a hedgehog that comes for food every night quite early – 8.30 – 9.00 before the others.

    I have just seen it ( I think it is the samer one) walking along the hedgerow and going into the field nex door. It doesn’t look sick or injured but should it really be out at 3.00 pm ?




    Could be a expecting/nursing mother hog?


    Sorry to hijack this thread I would be very interested to see what people advise. I’ve not got an answer but I have had the same thing happen today only later in the day about 5.45pm seem a smallish hog wandering around the garden. She seemed to stop and try and try to get under our umbrella that was lying down in the grass I moved her into the save as it was very warm and I put food and water out for her. She did curl into a ball and when I had retreated she started to eat the food. But it’s still a bit worrying seeing them out during the day. This one didn’t appear to be gathering grass etc. She then wandered off and I’ve seen her again this evening in the bushes (my dog was with me on a lead) hoping she is ok. I have a feeding station out and have had at about three hogs regularly last few months


    Hi both

    3pm is too early to be up – however there are nursing mothers at this time of year. The general rule of thumb is that if the hog is lively and alert and moving with purpose then it is probably ok and just needs monitoring.

    Am66 your hog needs further investigation, so I would suggest speaking to your nearest carer – you can find the number on the front page of this site for the BHPS who will give you all the carers in your area.


    Hi Stef, thank you I kept a look out for her yesterday evening on and off and she seems to have gone. Likewise this morning but will keep checking today. I have the number of a couple of local rescuers. When I picked her up to move to the shade I wasn’t able to see any obvious injuries but she was quite quick to curl so you’re never sure if there could be abdominal injury. Our dog is never let out in the garden off the lead as he kills birds and we have had hedgehog casualties in the past with our previous dog. I’m also aware there had been some fighting in the feeding box


    Also meant to say she ate some food at around 5.30pm then wandered off then I saw her later at 9 in bushes moving along until she saw the dog then went deeper into the hedge

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