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Hedgehog retching

Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog Hedgehog retching

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Avatar photoNic.
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  • #38244

    Hello, I have a few hog visitors. There is one in particular who has been visiting for the second year (they have an unusual spine pattern over the right side, which is why I think I recognise them). They are very keen for the cat biscuit supplements and in general looks healthy. Tonight and two nights ago, I noticed that they were retching after eating some of the biscuits. The first night I thought they had maybe rushed feeding but it has also occurred again tonight. They definitely brought some chewed biscuit up into the mouth and then ate it again. There are no visual injuries to the face or body and I can see a little into their mouth. There were a few fleas but no major parasite burden. They didn’t retch/vomit when drinking water. They then walked around the garden at normal speed and acting normally. They seem to be a good body size and condition.
    I have had a look online but can’t really see much about this issue. There was some info on hedgehog vomiting v anointing but not much about how common it it. Will call BHPS tmr for advice as they seem fine otherwise and will wet the biscuits from now on. There is a local v good wildlife rescue hospital I could take the hog to if needed and I could easily catch them and transport them, but not sure if it is actually something to worry about or not?

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    Hi VanessaBourne

    Sorry no-one has replied sooner, but hopefully you got some good advice from BHPS and the hog is ok now. Let us know how you got on.

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