Hi Skippersmum
It’s good to hear you have hogs there, but so sorry to hear you saw one that had died. But lovely that you’ve seen a small one too. It’s possible that was a this year’s hoglet and where there’s one hoglet, there are often more of them around.
Really good that you are leaving food out for the hogs. Make sure you leave some water out – all day every day, is best. Shallow but wide plant saucers are ideal for this. The wider the better because hogs are very good at tipping them over! The ones I have are mostly about 12 inches or 30cm. across but make sure they aren’t so deep that a hoglet could get stuck in them.
Also it’s a really good idea to make sure all your neighbours link their gardens by making hog holes in fences/walls. If the hogs can access more habitat that way, they have less need to cross roads, with all the hazards that presents.
Good luck with the hogs and happy hog watching.