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Hedgehog Sightings

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    Is it really a good idea to public show where sightings of live hedgehogs have been made?
    The survey results indicate that a significant proportion of the British public do NOT support the preservation of hedgehogs & some may actually be opposed.
    We have had 2 hedgehogs sharing our garden for the past few years. I would be happy for them to be registered on a private (PTES) database but I don’t want to declare their existence to the whole world.
    There may well be others who are distrusting of sections of the public who, like me, do not want to broadcast the location of our hedgehog visitors. This may be skewing the numbers of known live hedgehogs in the country.
    Am I being reasonably cautious or overly protective?
    Anyone else have any thoughts on this?

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    Hi BoyePeter

    Interesting topic, and I can absolutely understand where you’re coming from. There are no doubt some people out there who couldn’t care less about hogs and worse. I don’t know about the survey you mention, perhaps you could give us more information about that. The only one I know about is the one where hedgehogs were voted the nations favourite wild animal, although I suppose it could be argued that only people who like animals would be likely to respond to that.

    I suppose it is a question of weighing up the pros and cons. Is it more useful for the hogs, for hedgehog friendly people to know where they are, so they can help them, or (what I have always thought was a very small minority) of people who would seek to do them harm. If people don’t know they are there, they are less likely to make holes in fences for them, improve habitat, etc. The map does also give some idea of the distribution of hedgehogs, which can be used in arguments to get them better resources towards their conservation, etc. – even if it is possible that being wary of entering things on the map, not knowing about it, or not getting round to entering local hogs on it could make a difference. It can never be a perfect tool.

    BUT, reasonably cautious or overly protective? Not sure I am wise enough to say!


    Hi BoyePeter,

    I’m not sure which survey you’re referring to but I think from my perspective, having a public database of hedgehog sightings is, on balance, a good thing. Knowing that hedgehogs are living in an area provides an added impetus for many residents to take note and become more engaged. This is important because for the most part, hedgehogs will go unsighted by unassuming residents and will therefore be off the radar. If they’re known about, this helps people to think twice before installing impenetrable fencing or being over-zealous in clearing vegetation from their gardens. Likewise they may be more inclined to put out food and water to attract what should be a very endearing and welcome form of wildlife. I do understand your trepidation about people taking the opposite view, however, I firmly believe that those who would actually seek to harm or deliberately obstruct hedgehogs are a very small minority. Granted, many may be indifferent towards them but certainly not actively hostile. We need to be doing all we can to raise awareness about the plight of these creatures and having a public database of recorded sightings does, I believe, help to engage people in our conservation efforts.


    Thanks for the feedback.
    The survey to which I referred was the one that said that hedgehogs were our favorite animal but this also said that only 70% thought that we hound do all that we can to help hedgehogs. This implies that 30% are either indifferent or actively oppose helping hedgehogs. Since the respondents to the survey were probably predisposed to be interested in wildlife, the percentage in the general population is likely to be higher for those indifferent / opposed.
    We are fortunate to live in the countryside and our property is bounded by a small river & a solid stone wall bordering a busy road. Thus creating a hedgehog highway is not viable. Most of our close neighbours know about our hog visitors and their properties are either similar to ours or have open access to fields & woods.
    I would be happy for the location of our hogs to be recorded on a confidential database but not for it to be available to all & sundry.
    Best regards,


    Hi I live in Llangedwyn and last year we had one hog but last night saw two well chuffed hope they stay.

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    Hi BoyePeter

    I feel you may be being a little pessimistic with your interpretation of the figures from the survey. However, as I said before, I can completely understand your wanting to protect the hogs from potential harm and there is absolutely no reason why you should feel obliged to enter the hogs there onto the Big Hedgehog Map. It may be worth you contacting the Hedgehog Officer at PTES suggesting a confidential database, possibly in tandem with the other one, for people who aren’t happy for the information to be more widely known. As you say, it could potentially give a more rounded view of hog numbers. Not sure how it could work, but I’m not very good at that sort of thing, so it may be possible.

    The important thing is that you have hogs there – it sounds a lovely place for them. I am guessing that although you don’t have a hog highway, as such, that the hogs can actually access the other gardens in a similar way to how they access yours?

    I hope the hogs stay safe (and especially keep away from that road) and that you have some happy hog watching this Summer.

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    Hi dottie19

    Really good news that the hog numbers there have increased. Fingers crossed for you that they continue to visit and maybe be a male and female and have some hoglets! I expect you are already, but in case not, don’t forget to leave them safe access to water 24 hours a day, especially in warm weather. A dehydrated hog may venture out in the day looking for water and it could be a lifesaver.

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