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Hedgehogs not finding feeding station

Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Hedgehogs not finding feeding station

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Avatar photoNic.
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  • #43433

    Hello all
    I live near a country park and have been putting food out in my feeding station since last December, I had one male hog visiting the front garden for the whole of April, gone since the 1st of may and it’s now mid July and haven’t a single hedgehog since. No cam footage, and a full bowl of food in my feed station now for months so clearly zero activity. The hedgehogs are staying in the park and aren’t venturing out into the neighbourhood so they haven’t found my front garden. Does anyone know how I could trouble shoot this? Thanks 🙂

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    Hi Roccoryan2008

    There probably isn’t any more you can do than keep offering food and water. The hogs will vote with their feet, but if there is lots of good habitat nearby they may not feel the need to eat artificial food. You can’t make them visit – it has to be their choice. Although, ways of entering and exiting your garden are, of course, very important to have available at all times. Perhaps you can also make your garden more wildlife friendly to complement the country park in providing natural food for them.

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