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  • #45523

    I am sure this has been asked before but I am going away with my job for two weeks. I currently feed 3 hedgehogs who come every night. I have no one to ask to feed them. I have bought a large water dispenser but I have tested it out and the water gets dirty with leaves and debris. I am very worried, please can you advise.


    I wouldn’t worry about the leaves and debris. The hogs ( and most animals ) would normally prefer to drink water from outside and none of it is ‘clean’ to our standards. If they don’t like it they will go elsewhere but I suspect they will drink it anyway.
    Well done for looking after them


    Hello everyone

    I have been providing a house and feeding station for the last couple of months to a hh. Last night however it was seen trundling along tge pavement at the front of my house. We trued to get it but it hid under a car. I checked the food station but it hadn’t eaten it. Later we saw a fox and chased it away. Over night the food plate had been removed from underneath food station and food eaten. Cat or fox. I checked the hh house and it was empty.

    Do u think it will return? Am distraught.


    If it knows where the food is it’s very likely to keep coming. However catching and moving it isn’t a good idea and is likely to frighten it away.
    At this time of year you are also likely to find birds eating the hog food and they will move the dishes. Hogs are also known to toss their dishes especially if they are in competition with another hog over the same dish. Only way to know for sure is to get a wildlife camera

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