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Hog in morning

Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Hog in morning

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    Had hedgehogs visiting the garden each night and one visiting up until last week. At least I hadn’t seen it each night the last week or so. This morning (7am) I found it poking round under the buddleia. It was light out obviously. I had assumed I’d not seen it as it was hibernating. Now I wonder if I should be supplementing with food again. Is this hedgehog behaviour normal? anything I can do when i get back in tonight?

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    Hi hogspot1

    Yes, I would definitely put food and water out again, because it is unlikely there is much food to be found ‘in the wild’ at this time of year. Make sure it is good quality food and especially not mealworms.

    Are you sure it is the same hog that was visiting before? Hoglets of various sizes often turn up at this time of year – after all the adults have disappeared, so it is a good idea to keep putting food out after you think all the hogs have hibernated.

    Personally, I wouldn’t be too worried about 7a.m as it is really only barely light here and I have just been watching a hog on the cam carrying leaves into a nest until just after 7. If you see them around later than that it might be more of a worry and if it was very small.

    The hoglets need to reach 450g to survive hibernation, so if it looks very small it might be worth weighing it. If you are going to weigh it, it is useful to have a high sided box, or pet carrier, ready to put it in, if it is underweight, with newspaper torn into strips (or something similar) for it to hide in. Remember to provide food and water if it needs to stay overnight. You should be able to get the number of someone local who might over-winter it, if necessary, or for advice about whether it needs ‘rescuing’ (in relation to your local weather conditions, etc.), from the BHPS 01584 890801.


    Thanks Nic. Yes I’m pretty sure it’s the same hog. I have a hogilo out there and at some point something took hay into it earlier in the year. It could be that the hog is using it. It was nearby when I saw it on Friday morning. I’ve put out some Ark Wildlife hog mix as I was earlier in the year and have fresh water out there so hopefully if it is still snacking then that will give it enough for hibernating! Will keep my eye out for another return.

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