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Hog rescue :)

Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog Hog rescue :)

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    One late evening, I was out in my garden listening for hogs. When suddenly I heard my phone ringing. The call was to say that there was a tiny hoglet down at the local tennis courts that needed desperate help. As quick as I could, I grabbed a cardboard box and went down to the courts. Once I’d got down there, I looked down and saw the CUTEST bundle of prickles lying down on the floor infront of me. Next, I carefully placed the hog into the box and went home.
    Once I’d got home, Igave the hog some water and hog biccys and also placed a hot water bottle underneath because it looked rather cold outside. Whilst the hog was munching away, I got out some scales and then took the hog out the box to see how much it weighed. Surprizingly, the hoglet only weighed 190g, which I knew was NOT heavy enough to survive hibernation.
    Now I thought that the best thing to do was to feed it some food and try to fatten it up for the next few days and see how it got on.
    Unfortunatly, we weighed it a few days later and the hoglet was actually LOOSING weight instead of gaining it.

    Now I thought that the best thing to do was leave it to the pro’s to dothe work, so we took the hog to the RSPCA where they cared for it and now THE hog is making good progress and is well on it’s way to recovery 🙂


    Awe! Hollyhog that is such a lovely happy ending story. Thanks for sharing.

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