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how many ticks

Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings how many ticks

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  • #9640

    Hi all,
    been watching piccies on night cam over the past few days and noticed that one hog had lots of white spots. As the days went on the spots got bigger. I assumed ticks. The trouble was said hog only appeared on camera when I was sleeping so couldn’t get hold of it. I also noticed he wandered in and out of one of my hog houses so I checked the first house and resident was not happy at being disturbed but was tickless, second house and resident hog full of horrid ticks. Phone the local hog sanctuary and they said to bring the little mite in. When they saw him, they said that taking that many ticks off him whilst awake would stress him out. I was informed that the vets down the road would be able to do it while he was under anesthetic (the vet just down the road wanted me to phone the RSPCA to get a log number so they could remove the ticks and when I asked to have the hog back to put him back in the wildness of my garden and surrounding area they said they would have to charge a consultation fee – I thought vets were supposed to treat wildlife for free??). I took poor hoggie to vets and they removed over 50 ticks. When I went to collect him again later that day once he’d got over his ordeal he was rummaging round in the pet carrier. Later in the evening I went to see if he was ok, he must have been as he had left the pet carrier but now he has no ticks I’m not sure which hog he is. Hoping he’s well and eating properly!!

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    Well done, Jack. I’m sure the poor chap feels much happier without all those ticks! Did they want you to pay, even though you got a log number from the RSPCA? It seems some vets are better at treating wild animals than others.

    If the hog was in one of your hog boxes with loads of ticks, it is very likely that there will be tick eggs in there and when they hatch he or another hog is likely to become infested if they sleep in there. I had a similar problem in one of my boxes once. Ticks just kept appearing. I recommend you try to find a time when the box is not being used and clean it out right into the corners and disinfect with boiling water, which will hopefully kill any tick eggs or tiny ticks.

    Good luck to you and the hogs.

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