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I'm new to Hedgehog feeding

Home Forums Hedgehog tales I'm new to Hedgehog feeding

  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Avatar photoNic.
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  • #10778

    I found hedgehog droppings in my garden so set up my trail camera and was delighted to discover a hedgehog in my garden and that it was coming in under the gravel of a side gate!

    I have been putting out water every night, all round the garden, and also a mixture of food from semi moist Spikes food to ‘I Love Hedgehogs’. One bowl has now turned into two bowls and I have learnt from this forum to put a plate on the top of the food to stop the neighbours cat from tucking in every night!

    However, last night I picked up a few hedgehogs on my camera and a large one rolled into and butted a smaller hog out of the way of the food. I’m now worried whether I have started them fighting or how to make sure they all get some food. Is it best to set up a separate feeding station or just leave them to it?


    The behaviour you describe is perfectly normal, particularly between male hedgehogs. I do however have hedgehog feeders at different points in the garden, specifically to help ensure that they all get a fair share. So a second feeding station somewhere else in the garden won’t hurt.

    However you haven’t caused them to start fighting. If you are putting two bowls out already I would just move one of the bowls away from the other, rather than putting out any more just yet.


    Thank you, Alan. I will spread the water and food bowls out tonight and hope they get a fair share.


    HI Katheli

    This sounds a bit too luxurious for the hedgehogs

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    Hi Jeanette

    Unfortunately, the forum is sometimes targeted by people trying to get free advertising. Personally, I think they are wasting their time but they still keep trying. You can click the report button if you see any again.

    About the ‘fighting’ hogs. Some of them just don’t tolerate another male, in particular, in their immediate space, wherever that happens to be. They are naturally solitary animals. It doesn’t always relate to food, although they are obviously more likely to meet if they are coming for food, although that probably applies to pretty much anywhere in a garden (unless it is enormous, of course!) Some hogs get clever at avoiding the others, but being rolled up doesn’t seem to do them any harm.

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