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I’m so excited!

Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings I’m so excited!

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    We live in a terrace house on the edge of town. Our garden is turning into a bit of a wildlife haven. In 2017 some frogspawn appeared so I dug them a small wildlife pond. In 2018 4 newts moved into the pond alongside the frogs. Two weeks ago I saw a hedgehog in the garden for the first time! So I gave him/her some food and the food has been disappearing each night. Last night I heard some hedgehog mating noises behind some bushes! Maybe, just maybe I might have some hoglets in June?! I’ve got a wildlife camera being delivered next week so I can hopefully see more of my little garden dwellers 🦔

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    Hi clarelewlew

    That sounds really brilliant – all that wildlife in your garden. You are so lucky having newts.

    What you heard may have been the hedgehog ‘courtship’ where the male circles the female and she turns round and round within that circle huffing all the while. This can go on for hours and doesn’t always come to anything, but a good sign that you have a male and female there, so fingers crossed for some hoglets later on.

    Good luck with the camera – hope you get some good images. Happy hog watching.

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