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Juvenile now at good weight but need advice about what to do next
A month ago I spotted a very small hog and found he was only 226g. He seemed otherwise healthy so I’ve had him in a box inside and he’s been eating heartily and now weighs 537g. Having read lots of articles I’m unsure of what to do next out of the following options:
a) As it’s still fairly mild would he survive if I released him? We have a hibernation box in the garden which is currently uninhabited. I’m thinking he might need to weigh a bit more to survive outside but the weather may have turned by the time he gets closer to 600g.
b) Should I continue to keep him inside and overwinter him so he doesn’t hibernate at all?
c) Should I move the box to the shed and see if he goes into hibernation there?
I’m veering towards option c but would then need advice as to whether I still continue to feed him and clean him out daily until he shows any signs of hibernating or would the constant disturbance prevent him going into hibernation, in which case how do people usually manage this transition?
Thanks in advance for any advice,
If you’re in the south then I would consider releasing into your hog box at this stage and making sure you supplementary feed. This follows BHPS guidelines and you must remember this is a wild animal
However, I do understand your thoughts about overwintering as it’s now November already. If you keep him in the shed it is possible he won’t hibernate at all – this is fine, but would mean you cleaning out and feeding throughout the winter.
If he decides to hibernate you will see a change in behaviour – eating some days and not getting up on others – there may also be odd coloured poo.
You would need to release at the first signs of hedgehogs coming out of hibernation in the spring
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