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LED Street Lighting

Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings LED Street Lighting

  • This topic has 4 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by P.
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  • #37712

    Our street has just had the old sodium lamps upgraded to new LED ones. They are very bright in comparison, has anyone noticed any detrimental effects to the number of hedgehog visits, I’m a bit concerned that making the night more bright will stop them travelling so far. Thanks.


    Have had led lighting in the cul de sac here for a few years now. I don`t think there are any detrimental affects. First thing i noticed was how dim the new lights were. They seem to be slightly angled to the road as well. But i do have a five foot hedge around three parts of the garden, which makes it quite dark.



    It interesting you say your new lights are dim. I’ve just read on our local council website that the new LED lights are remotely dimmable. Perhaps its a case of how the brightness is set up on installation as the ones outside mine are very much brighter than the previous sodium lights – almost like floodlighting! I’ve emailed the Council to see if they can be dimmed down a tad.


    Our council replaced the old lights a couple of years back, including the lights along the back lane behind our street – this lane is a real hog highway and many of the hogs visiting my garden use it. What I have noticed with the new LED lights is that they focus light downwards with the result that most of my back garden is a bit darker than before.



    Have you checked how bright they are through the night? The lights in my street are bright when they first come on, but they dim around midnight.

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